Monday, June 11, 2012

I watch a lot of news--particularly on cable. I've found myself yelling at the TV more than once because so little was being discussed regarding the "why" of behavior. And even when the "why" is addressed, comments are usually lacking depth, instead resting on speculation and lack of knowledge.

Being an educational neuropsychologist, this is my bailiwick. How does the brain work (the neuro part) to affect the mind (psychology), and in turn affect how people behave (specifically learn--the education part)? In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean, for one, does a stellar job explaining a key concept, authoritarianism. However, he stops short of how and why people become authoritarians in the first place. The answer to the authoritarian conumdrum is one of the topics I plan to investigate in this blog. So, if like me, you're curious about why people behave as they do--particularly in the political arena--stay tuned!

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